St. James Clock Tower

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Nov 7, 2008 18:23:15 GMT -5
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St. James Clock Tower
Large and graceful, the clock tower stopped ticking long ago. Now, it is just a large building with no one to look after it, however it makes a great shelter. To enter, there is a few missing bricks around the bottom of the building, and that leads into the shade of what used to be the main enterance. Inside the tower, there are stairs that lead to the very top. On the way up, there is one platform that has little doors that used to open on the hour, now they are limp and can easily be pushed aside. If the stairs are followed, up the top it opens into a fairly spaced area with large screws and various metal objects that used to keep the old thing going. The floor consists of cement around the main areas of the clock, and metal cages that lead to each spot. Only light that reaches inside their if through the clock's almost faded face.

Is owned by Mephisto Pack.
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